Thursday, 20 October 2011

Research into filters and special effects.

Blur, Border, Glow, Colour Correction, Channel, Distort, Image, Key, Matte, Perspective, Quicktime, Sharpen, Stylize, Tiling, Time, Video. These are all types of video filters which are used to make the footage more interesting and put a nice affect over the top of the original footage.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Research into transition types

The most common transition- an instant change from one shot to the next. The raw footage from your camera contains cuts between shots where you stop and start recording.

Crossfades have a more relaxed feel than a cut and are useful if you want a meandering pace, contemplative mood

Fades can be used between shots to create a sort of crossfade which, for example, fades briefly to white before fading to the next shot.

One shot is progressively replaced by another shot in a geometric pattern.

Digital Effects
Most editing applications offer a large selection of digital transitions with various effects.


We checked the British Board of Film Classification website to see which category our film fell under, we decided that it would be parental guidance as they were some scenes that may require adult supervision, such as when Lewis stands in the road, which a child may try to imitate. Also Matt stands on a roundabout and sings which is very dangerous and potentially illegal.

Target audience research expectations.

We showed our peers videos which are similar to that of our artists, to see how they respond or react to the videos editing, and general style.
After watching 'The Bay' my Metronomy the audience thought that the editing was very good, therefore we will try to edit our video to a similar quality, however we understand this won't be likely.

We think our target audience are of the same age as us, as typically the genre of music Everything Everything create is most appreciated by our age group, perhaps 15-25 year olds.
Because of this we have established that we must be wearing contemporary clothing, which must also be fashionable, however not 'in your face'. The clothing we have thought of are chinos, wooley jumpers & cardigans (knitwear) & smart casual shoes. We will not be wearing any make-up because we feel this genre of music is quite modest, therefore we must look as honest as possible.

Blog Diary 19/10/11

Today we are carrying on editing our footage into our music video. Our rough cut deadline is tomorrow so we need to get a lot done today.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Blog Diary 17/10/11

We filmed all our footage on friday and it was very successful and went very well.
Today we are uploading our footage onto the computer and we will start to edit it in this lesson. 
We have 143 clips to upload. One problem we did find while filming was lip syncing our song.
We have also finished our test shot so we have uploaded it to our blog.

Here it is.

All our footage is now on the blog and we have started to edit it into place. 

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Thursday the 6th of October
2:40 - meet in the media classroom
2:45 - collect camera from media office
2:50 - drive into Cambridge City Centre
3:20 - Matt starts filming whilst skate boarding around town
4:00 - Film at the bottom of the libary stairs
4:20 - Film establishing shot at St Mary's Church and praise the lord shot
4:40 - Film in a busy place eg Outside Grande Arcade, Drummer Street
5:00 - Film at the punting bridge
5:20 - Finish filming for the day.

Thursday the 13th of October
Not sure about exact times but we will be going to the river and filming some singing in the studio at college.

Shot lists



This is similar to one of our locations, which we will be using for our establishing shot.

Health and Safety

Some of the things we need to consider are:
  • Matt skating, E.G Elbow pads, knee pads, helmet.
  • Avoid pedestrians when Matt is skating.
  • Wear seatbelts when driving to location.
  • Careful near river.
  • Using candle, so will be cautious around flame.
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